An epic read.👌🏽

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Thank you Chris, appreciate you reading!

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Absolutely fantastic read, so much to think about.

This, however, annoyed me. Really sloppy questionnaire writing in the The Progressive Unstereotype Metric question. The use of modern AND progressive. Just use one or the other. If they mean the same ( I am not sure they do) there is no need for both. If they mean something different then have two questions. My first boss in market research would have hauled me over the coals for that!

"How much do you agree with the following


The way people are presented in the ad represents a

modern and progressive view of society

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Thanks Nick – yes, it looks like a particularly loose survey to me. 'Progressive' in particular is used so broadly these days. And 'modern' just seems like a strange term to use about ads. They're clearly getting at the idea of diverse casting and not playing to old stereotypes (woman doing the washing up etc) – but feels like they could just say that explicitly.

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